Crypto as an answer. To what question?

The group has sought to analyze and map out the nature and role of crypto currency in society and the implications of digital currency-like technologies for humans in society at large. This has been achieved through the application of actor-network theory and the derived theory of controversy mapping, as well as deductive, ontological reasoning practiced on selected cases of crypto currency applications in recent years. Langdon Winner’s theories of decentralization, technodeterminism, and technological somnambulism factor heavily in our analysis of crypto currency and blockchain technology.

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Crypto as an answer. To what question?
Crypto as an answer. To what question?

The group has sought to analyze and map out the nature and role of crypto currency in society and the implications of digital currency-like technologies for humans in society at large. This has been achieved through the application of actor-network theory and the derived theory of controversy mapping, as well as deductive, ontological reasoning practiced on selected cases of crypto currency applications in recent years. Langdon Winner’s theories of decentralization, technodeterminism, and technological somnambulism factor heavily in our analysis of crypto currency and blockchain technology.

Madspild og system optimering

This paper reveals a clearer picture of food circulation as a larger system and how small incremental changes to said system are likely to not have any significant positive effect on the problem, and how households have a huge role in the amount of total food waste in Denmark. Furthermore, the sociotechnical analysis highlights barriers to improvement within the system. The thesis concludes that these emerging technologies are more of a gimmick than a solution – an attempt to insert a middleman between the consumer and their food consumption with no apparent advantage.

Piano Without Limits

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