Vertikal farmings rolle i en bæredygti

This paper regards the possible role of vertical farming in a transition of the conventional agriculture towards sustainability in Denmark. Therefore, the appliances as well as the limitations of vertical farming are established as well as the actors (such as vertical farmers, conventional agriculture, consumers, and the government) and their relations to each other and to the forementioned transition.
Agriculture, in general, covers more than 1/3 of earths landmass, and a little less than 2/3 of Denmark’s landmass. Conventional agriculture poses different environmental challenges, such as em

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Smartphones & Miljøet

This project revolves around the environmental issues regarding smartphones.

Lys indikator til dørpartier

Vores projekt er endt med en prototype af en lampe der skal installeres ved dørpartier til større rum på campus. Lampen indikerer ved hjælp af sensorer om der er det maksimale antal tilladt i rummet eller om flere må gå ind.