
This paper addresses future climate changes, and in particular consequences such as long
droughts as well as intense and extreme periods of downpour. With this as a focus, we have
been developing a water management system, which is adapted to an urban hydrological
To accommodate this, we have developed a technological system that consists of a
combination of Klimaflisen designed by the Danish architecture company Trejde Natur and
UV-radiation. The purpose of the technological system is to collect and clean rain for further
use in private households, including flushing the toilet and gard

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This paper addresses future climate changes, and in particular consequences such as long
droughts as well as intense and extreme periods of downpour. With this as a focus, we have
been developing a water management system, which is adapted to an urban hydrological
To accommodate this, we have developed a technological system that consists of a
combination of Klimaflisen designed by the Danish architecture company Trejde Natur and
UV-radiation. The purpose of the technological system is to collect and clean rain for further
use in private households, including flushing the toilet and gard

Æstetik og design

I denne opgave har vi valgt at kigge nærmere på Mjølnerparken og hvordan man ved hjælp af æstetiske egenskaber kan lave et design, som højner den æstetiske erfaring. Da Bovita allerede er i gang med en helhedsplan i området, har vi valgt at kigge nærmere på de steder, som vi mener bliver overset. Vi er kommet frem til, at vi ønsker at lave en lysinstallation, som ved hjælp af farvetemperatur og et æstetiske flot design, vil skabe en positiv æstetisk oplevelse.Ved hjælp af observationer og interviews i området har vi fundet brugernes krav til og oplevelse af mangler ved passagen.

zoneinddeling – Mjølnerparken

Zoneinddeling af Mjølnerparkens 4. karré