
This project takes its starting point in finding a technology, which solves the discharge of
chemicals from agriculture, that damages the environment. The group narrowed the
agriculture subject down to pig manure and its capabilities in Denmark, which is used as a
fertilizer for crops. Furthermore, the assignment revolved around analyzing a technology that
contributed to an environmentally friendly future. This project delves deeper into the
technology, referred to as ‘Next Generation Manure Reduction Technology’ which is
developed by researchers from Syddansk University and Aarhus Unive

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This project takes its starting point in finding a technology, which solves the discharge of
chemicals from agriculture, that damages the environment. The group narrowed the
agriculture subject down to pig manure and its capabilities in Denmark, which is used as a
fertilizer for crops. Furthermore, the assignment revolved around analyzing a technology that
contributed to an environmentally friendly future. This project delves deeper into the
technology, referred to as ‘Next Generation Manure Reduction Technology’ which is
developed by researchers from Syddansk University and Aarhus Unive

Æstetik og design

I denne opgave har vi valgt at kigge nærmere på Mjølnerparken og hvordan man ved hjælp af æstetiske egenskaber kan lave et design, som højner den æstetiske erfaring. Da Bovita allerede er i gang med en helhedsplan i området, har vi valgt at kigge nærmere på de steder, som vi mener bliver overset. Vi er kommet frem til, at vi ønsker at lave en lysinstallation, som ved hjælp af farvetemperatur og et æstetiske flot design, vil skabe en positiv æstetisk oplevelse.Ved hjælp af observationer og interviews i området har vi fundet brugernes krav til og oplevelse af mangler ved passagen.

zoneinddeling – Mjølnerparken

Zoneinddeling af Mjølnerparkens 4. karré

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