
This project takes its starting point in finding a technology, which solves the discharge of
chemicals from agriculture, that damages the environment. The group narrowed the
agriculture subject down to pig manure and its capabilities in Denmark, which is used as a
fertilizer for crops. Furthermore, the assignment revolved around analyzing a technology that
contributed to an environmentally friendly future. This project delves deeper into the
technology, referred to as ‘Next Generation Manure Reduction Technology’ which is
developed by researchers from Syddansk University and Aarhus Unive

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This project takes its starting point in finding a technology, which solves the discharge of
chemicals from agriculture, that damages the environment. The group narrowed the
agriculture subject down to pig manure and its capabilities in Denmark, which is used as a
fertilizer for crops. Furthermore, the assignment revolved around analyzing a technology that
contributed to an environmentally friendly future. This project delves deeper into the
technology, referred to as ‘Next Generation Manure Reduction Technology’ which is
developed by researchers from Syddansk University and Aarhus Unive

Social byrumsdesign

This paper will question and examine, what makes a good public space.
The knowledge achieved will be used in a design solution in the most central public space in Mjølnerparken. This paper will also introduce Architect, Jan Gehl and his “12 quality criteria”, and use these in analyzing the public space in Mjølnerparken.
Furthermore, the paper will include other initiatives and projects that works with a similar audience as the one represented in Mjølnerparken in the process of answering the defined problem.
The project will be centered around street culture, in trying to reach out to

zoneinddeling – Mjølnerparken

Zoneinddeling af Mjølnerparkens 4. karré

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