Optimering af seksualundervisning

The purpose of this project is to investigate what shortcomings there may be within sex education in primary school today as well as how these deficiencies can, for example, affect individuals’ actions and perceptions of reality as a ‘sexual citizen’ later on. After designing and constructing the prototype, the podcast was presented to respondents. Throughout the follow up interviews, respondents were asked if they felt the podcast would be a helpful tool in addressing the challenges of providing sex education in schools.

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Optimering af seksualundervisning
Optimering af seksualundervisning

The purpose of this project is to investigate what shortcomings there may be within sex education in primary school today as well as how these deficiencies can, for example, affect individuals’ actions and perceptions of reality as a ‘sexual citizen’ later on. After designing and constructing the prototype, the podcast was presented to respondents. Throughout the follow up interviews, respondents were asked if they felt the podcast would be a helpful tool in addressing the challenges of providing sex education in schools.

Podcast workshop – Stine og Caroline

Vores endelige podcast – “Dating i coronaland”.

Denne podcast fortæller en historie om dating i coronatiden.
Du får det ultimative tindermatch. Skal, skal ikke? Er det forsvarligt?

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