Augmented reality til kulturformidling

This paper examines how the guests at the State Museum of Art interacts with the 400-year-old painting “The Fall of the Titans”. At The Fall of the Titans, an augmented reality (AR) installa-tion has been made by the AR and VR company Khora. With this AR installation it’s possible, through the guest’s phone, to see the picture come to life. The paper investigates the guest’s challenges and experiences with the interaction. This paper outlines different tourist and innovation theories.

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Augmented reality til kulturformidling
Augmented reality til kulturformidling

This paper examines how the guests at the State Museum of Art interacts with the 400-year-old painting “The Fall of the Titans”. At The Fall of the Titans, an augmented reality (AR) installa-tion has been made by the AR and VR company Khora. With this AR installation it’s possible, through the guest’s phone, to see the picture come to life. The paper investigates the guest’s challenges and experiences with the interaction. This paper outlines different tourist and innovation theories.

AI og spilleadfærd

This project is about how Danske Spil exploits artificial technology to identify and prevent problematic betting behaviour. We have been in direct contact with two employees from Danske Spil to collect the necessary data to answer the problem definition. One of them is the actual developer of the model, the other one is the person who is responsible for “Responsible Gaming”

In the theoretical part of this project, we examined in-depth how AI works, and found out that Danske Spil uses Supervised learning to optimise their model.

Teams påvirkning på hjemmearbejde

This project is based on the communication tools Microsoft Teams and Skype and how they are used by the respondents. The project shows, through the use of, two employees from BEC and Danske Spil how they feel affected by the use of these two tools as their primary communica-tion systems when the fremgangsmåde work from home. Furthermore, the project analyses and shows, through the use of the Preliminary model and the SECI-model, how the employees effi-ciency and knowledge sharing are affected as they work from home over the communication tools Microsoft Teams and Skype.


Rapport omkring hvordan en ICD-pacemaker virker, analyseret ved hjælp af TRIN-modellen. Ydermere en analyse omkring hvordan hjemmemonitoreringen påvirker patienten og dennes forhold til sundhedsvæsenet.

Persondata Sikkerhed

The usage of social media and the web has increased with 11% since 2012, this means that the data generated everyday also increases with the same amount or more. One of the biggest issues with the social media is the societies concern over their personal data and how these are exploited by organisations and private companies. This has resulted in governmental initiatives with data regulations such as the GDPR lows and etc.

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