Fælles platform for ensomme

This project examines if a digital platform can be designed to reduce the feeling of loneliness among young and old individuals, by creating a platform that embraces different design techniques suitable for younger and older people.

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Fælles platform for ensomme
Fælles platform for ensomme

This project examines if a digital platform can be designed to reduce the feeling of loneliness among young and old individuals, by creating a platform that embraces different design techniques suitable for younger and older people.


The paper concludes that the use of facial recognition as a surveillance tool is highly problematic, since it allows everyone to be a subject of suspicion. Furthermore, big tech-companies like Facebook and Apple are in a position to possess a huge amount of biometric data, whereby the user loses the ownership of their own personal data. As users we are willingly or without question giving these companies this data by using their technologies every day and by accepting opaque terms of condition.

Netflix’ CO2-udledning

This paper examines the streaming service Netflix and its emission of carbon dioxide. It examines the causes behind Netflix’ emission of carbon dioxide, and to what extent it happens, by looking at the inner workings of how data is transmitted from a data center to a personal device. The purpose of this project is to design a campaign, which can inform young people of the negative effects of streaming on Netflix in the hope that the knowledge will make them change their streaming habits. The iterative design process is used as well as different kinds of qualitative and quantitative methods.

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