Deepfake detection

The following paper examines the new technology that is deepfakes. It is an examination of how it relies on other technologies such as deep learning and neural networks, and how this technology can be used in a harmful manner as a threat to our society. This will be based on real examples of how this technology has already been implemented and used in the past. An understanding of human intelligence and the differences between this and artificial intelligence. Furthermore, this report will examine if humans are required to assist in detecting deepfakes.

Fælles platform for ensomme

This project examines if a digital platform can be designed to reduce the feeling of loneliness among young and old individuals, by creating a platform that embraces different design techniques suitable for younger and older people.

Præhospitalets sygetransport

This project examines how the communication concerning the patient transportation can be improved, by designing an IT-system that accommodates the existing infrastructure of processes. This is due to give the user more insight and information about their upcoming trip, with the patient transport. The examination of the patient transportation and potential improvement with a common IT-system is done by conducting an IT-feasibility study and using the MUST-method. Finally, the project addresses the plans for the second version of the prototype.



This report examines the different challenges that come forth in the pursuit of implementing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for business use and logistics. The report addresses the role of drone regulations in relation to the expansion of drone technology in Denmark as well as the ethical aspect of the implementation of autonomous drones. It is widely recognized that drones have the potential to improve a number of existing practices, such as measuring land very accurately and for infrastructure surveying.

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