Præhospitalets sygetransport

This project examines how the communication concerning the patient transportation can be improved, by designing an IT-system that accommodates the existing infrastructure of processes. This is due to give the user more insight and information about their upcoming trip, with the patient transport. The examination of the patient transportation and potential improvement with a common IT-system is done by conducting an IT-feasibility study and using the MUST-method. Finally, the project addresses the plans for the second version of the prototype.

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Præhospitalets sygetransport
Præhospitalets sygetransport

This project examines how the communication concerning the patient transportation can be improved, by designing an IT-system that accommodates the existing infrastructure of processes. This is due to give the user more insight and information about their upcoming trip, with the patient transport. The examination of the patient transportation and potential improvement with a common IT-system is done by conducting an IT-feasibility study and using the MUST-method. Finally, the project addresses the plans for the second version of the prototype.

Sprogbruget i gamerverdenen

With a social constructivist approach, this third semester project, is focusing on the studies of language usage in the world of gaming. It has been studied, how language usage unfolds on online gaming platforms, focusing on Discord, as well as how this affects the other users of the platform. This has led to an insight into the difference between virtual- and analog communication. Various studies have been carried out, including a focus group interview, which is the central empiri in this project. The empiri has been analyzed using Anthony Giddens and his concepts of the separation of time an

Workshop – Guerilla Data Collection

Vi har lokaliseret RUC’s askebægere samt visualiseret hvor der bliver røget mest, hvilket kan ses på de gule cirkler. Jo større en cirkel, jo mere røg.

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