
This study explains what chronic diseases are in a general sense, and what challenges a patient with chronic disease faces. Based on this, the group have created a collaboration with Tina Ryberg, to develop a website that will motivate, and increase the quality of life of chronically affected patients.

Stress hos unge i gymnasiet

Fænomenet stress er gået hen og blevet en afgørende problemstilling, når den bliver sat i kontekst med gymnasieelever. Dette projekt undersøger, hvordan de unge elever oplever stress i gymnasiet, og hvilke faktorer der stresser dem. Til at gå i dybden af projektets fænomen, har vi gjort brug af Axel Honneths anerkendelsesteori, samt Anthony Giddens teori om individet i det senmoderne samfund.

Overvågning På Instagram

Dette er vores færdige projekt omkring overvågning på Instagram.

Hvad er den perfekte kvinde? – podcast

Denne podcast omhandler kvinders påklædning.

! Vil vi gøre jer opmærksomme på, at podcasten indeholder et lydklip, som er baseret på en voldtægtsscene, og kan derfor virke stødende for nogle. I så fald anbefaler vi ikke at lytte. !

Ydre Og Øget Tryghed

Some people feel uncomfortable and insecure walking in the public space after dark – including to and from train stations. With Taastrup Station, a train station in Denmark, as a basis of this project, this project investigates what causes insecurity and how different theorists define insecurity, including Rune Holst Schergs distinction between objective and subjective security and Jane Jacobs theory on natural surveillance. The significance light can have in the urban space is also described in this project, mainly using theory by Mikkel Bille.

Nilay isn't working on any live projects right now.