Brugerenes it-sikkherhed

This report examines the Danishsystem called NemIDand how it has affected the Danish people. We had at the start a problem, which was finding out why NemID has being targeted and why its users havegone through several hacking attacks, also how it has affected the users of NemID. We used different methods, such as analyzing the NemID tool itself and we also used a theory called diffusion of innovation, which focuses on spreading new technology. We used our analysis as help for us to understand, what NemID is, how its build and how its spread. Theories suchas ANT (Actor-network -theory), have


Her er vores svar på vores endelige projekt. Vi har forsøgt at svare på vores problemformulering der lyder: På hvilken måde kan man opfylde brugernes og makeupartisternes behov i udviklingen af en platform, der forbinder dem?

Derudover har vi tilføjet vores bilag til vores rapport, samt den visuelle præsentation, som en ekstra billedfil.

Til slut har vi et link til vores hjemmeside (Unimakeups hjemmeside: ).