
This assignment is about NGO’s, which forms of communication forms- and platforms they use. My main focus is on three specific organizations; A step for humanity, Helping humanity and From street to school. I also examines how the main target group is affected, in how the organizations use their platforms. The target group are muslims in Denmark, and in Islam, it is duty, that every muslim has to give to charity, which is why i find it relevant, to include religion in my report.

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This assignment is about NGO’s, which forms of communication forms- and platforms they use. My main focus is on three specific organizations; A step for humanity, Helping humanity and From street to school. I also examines how the main target group is affected, in how the organizations use their platforms. The target group are muslims in Denmark, and in Islam, it is duty, that every muslim has to give to charity, which is why i find it relevant, to include religion in my report.


Her er vores svar på vores endelige projekt. Vi har forsøgt at svare på vores problemformulering der lyder: På hvilken måde kan man opfylde brugernes og makeupartisternes behov i udviklingen af en platform, der forbinder dem?

Derudover har vi tilføjet vores bilag til vores rapport, samt den visuelle præsentation, som en ekstra billedfil.

Til slut har vi et link til vores hjemmeside (Unimakeups hjemmeside: ).

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