Sociale Medier og Politik

This paper seeks an answer to the posing challenges of the uprising of social media and Twitter, in the modern political landscape. By looking at theory composed by the theorists Langdon Winner and Stig Hjarvard, we try to analyze and discuss the changes that social media has brought to the current political landscape. Twitter has had an impact on the way politicians’ campaign, and provides a large platform to, unsupervised, spread a lot of political information and opinions.

Autonome Køretøjer

We are currently living in the middle of a truly massive paradigm shift, in the way that we interpret the modern car. In this paper, we will examine the opportunities that the implementation of autonomous vehicles will have on our daily lives. We will dive into the technology, its capabilities and the benefits that the technology present. Our focus will lie on the infrastructural changes necessary for a successful launch of these vehicles. The infrastructural changes will cover, new road designs for our city centers, a change of the modern highway and a connected traffic network. Furthermore,

Fobi simulationer

How can the group through a VR-simulation of heights give the public a better understanding of how it feels to live with a phobia?
We have specified our project’s main topic to be about mental sickness, which we later narrowed down to phobias. Our main task is to create and evaluate a realistic phobia simulation through Virtual Reality of the many harsh and horrible symptoms, that the patients undergo when facing their specific phobia triggers. We have chosen to study the symptoms and causes of acrophobia which is an extreme or irrational fear of heights.