CO2 i forbrugernes bevidsthed

Today we live in a digital world, in which we in everyday life are using digital services. This type of technology is energy intensive, which affects the individual consumer’s climate footprint negatively, hence it is interesting to take a closer look at the consumer’s attention and knowledge about this subject. This project examines how individual consumers, experience in acting climate-friendly in everyday life and in relation to the use of digital services. Hereby making the consumers own experiences visible, in combining climate-friendly actions with the use of digital services.

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CO2 i forbrugernes bevidsthed
CO2 i forbrugernes bevidsthed

Today we live in a digital world, in which we in everyday life are using digital services. This type of technology is energy intensive, which affects the individual consumer’s climate footprint negatively, hence it is interesting to take a closer look at the consumer’s attention and knowledge about this subject. This project examines how individual consumers, experience in acting climate-friendly in everyday life and in relation to the use of digital services. Hereby making the consumers own experiences visible, in combining climate-friendly actions with the use of digital services.

Reducering af vejstøj vha. elbiler

Dette projekt undersøger om der er et muligt potentiale i at reducere vejstøj i byområder vha. eldrevne personbiler. Først undersøges kilderne til vejstøj fra personbiler i byområder, for efterfølgende at kunne opstille nogle områdetypologier, der kan anvendes til at identificere muligheden for reducering af vejstøj på en given strækning eller område. Data stammer fra Frederiksberg Kommunes støjhandlingsplan og Støj-Danmarkskortet, og anvendes i caseanalysen.

Biosten som kystsikring

This report examines the possibilities of using biocementation as an alternative method for coastal
protection. Biocementation is a sustainable solution for binding loose aggregate without the use of
cement. The use of biocementation in sand results in a product which we refer to as “biostone”.
This process uses the enzyme-producing bacteria Sporosarcina pasteurii with a urea-modified
nutrition broth and calcium, which combined creates a natural looking stone similar to naturally
produced sandstone.

Postcards from Mars

Projektet fremvises d. 7/3 til Showtime i Glaspyramiden. Fotos og beskrivelse følger!

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