Psykisk sårbarhed

The aim of this paper is to shed light on the often overlooked topic of being a child of parents with mental vulnerability and its impact. To do so, we employed qualitative methods, including semi-structured interviews with two informants who grew up with a mentally vulnerable parent. Our research question was “What is the experience of growing up with a mentally vulnerable parent, and how does it affect the individual’s positioning of themselves, as well as others’ positioning of them?”.

Et design af Thirdroom som app

This project has been completed in collaboration with the nonprofit organization Thirdroom. The overall focus of the project is to find an IT solution for the problems that Thirdroom is experiencing, by the users of their current platform. In this context, we will work out a feasibility study, by using the MUST method as an analytic structure for the project and results from the collected empirical data. We will be focusing on the phases and principles of the MUST method.

Oplevelsen af tid og adfærd ved gaming

Vi vil i dette projekt undersøge hvordan de unge selv oplever, at League Of Legends har en betydning for deres tidsfornemmelse og adfærd. Tid og adfærd fremhæves som nogle af de væsentlige aspekter, når man forbinder det med computerspilsafhængighed. Projektet vil som udgangspunkt forholde sig til målgruppen 15-24 årige, som er League Of Legends gamere. Disse gamere vil kunne fortælle deres opfattelse af, hvordan de selv oplever at gaming og hvordan det har en betydning for deres tidsfornemmelse og adfærd.

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Prøvestenen Syd

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