Robotter og psykolgi

This project report is on the use of a welfare robot by the name of VECTOR and its use in elder care, including an analysis of why it would work and how it should be implemented into the current system.

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Robotter og psykolgi
Robotter og psykolgi

This project report is on the use of a welfare robot by the name of VECTOR and its use in elder care, including an analysis of why it would work and how it should be implemented into the current system.


Dette projekt handler om konstruktionen af en chatbot som er et samlet it-system for studerende på RUC

Brick Separator

Her kan man se det endelige produkt som vi fik printet af en 3D printer

app til social angst

Our project report focuses on the use of technology and how it can be used to create tools that can effectively help persons with mental health struggles, which we later decided to be specifically targeted at social anxiety. Through the research we have done and the literature that has been accumulated we came to the conclusion that the most productive way for us to accomplish the goal we wanted was through the development of an application.

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