
In this paper we are researching the possibility for microalgae to be an alternative sustainable protein source, compared to other animal protein. We quickly uncovered that microalgae does have a lot of potential as a sustainable protein source. This is because algae has an incredibly high amount of protein contents and low CO2 emission. We wondered if there were some technological barriers, since microalgae is not a widespread protein source in our society.

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In this paper we are researching the possibility for microalgae to be an alternative sustainable protein source, compared to other animal protein. We quickly uncovered that microalgae does have a lot of potential as a sustainable protein source. This is because algae has an incredibly high amount of protein contents and low CO2 emission. We wondered if there were some technological barriers, since microalgae is not a widespread protein source in our society.

Artificial Climate Generator 1000

Ever wanted to replicate the climate somewhere? Maybe so you can grow all the exotic plants you remember from there? The answer is The Artificial Klimate Generator 1000

Small scale water supply.

Hvad gør vi, når der ikke er mere rent drikkevand tilbage?

Dette projekt analyserer teknologien indenfor afsaltning af saltvand til drikkevand.

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