“Modellering af Hotel Alexandras…

This paper examines how specific modelling techniques can help optimizing an internal information system, and what specific design improvements can be incorporated into Hotel Alexandra’s future system development.

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“Modellering af Hotel Alexandras…
“Modellering af Hotel Alexandras…

This paper examines how specific modelling techniques can help optimizing an internal information system, and what specific design improvements can be incorporated into Hotel Alexandra’s future system development.

Projekt 3. semester

Projektet tager udgangspunkt i en kobling mellem digital og dannelse. Dette ses gennem dannelsesbegrebets udvikling, ved implementeringen af IT i samfundet. Projektet undersøger mere præcist, hvordan der kan ses på dannelsen gennem en teknologiteoretisk analyse, samt en grundforståelse for dannelse som pædagogisk begreb. Dette med henblik på at nærme sig en forståelse af samfundets teknologiske udvikling, samt at sætte fokus på dens komplikationer, som udtrykkes i dannelsen. Projektet ser mere specifikt på digitale fodspor, der ses som en del af den digitale dannelse.

We seek to examine what autonomy is and which criterias must be met, in order to truly denote a system of being autonomous. The military drone-model MQ-9 Reaper, will be the focal point of this examination. By distinguishing between automatic, behaviour-based robotics and autonomous systems we seek to clarify the boundaries between the concepts in order to classify MQ-9 Reaper. Lastly the paper seeks to shed light on the possibility of autonomy in future aerial vehicles.


This project is based on the investigation of the technology Young Blood.

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