Veras Vintage i kampen mod overforbrug

This semester project comes from a common interest in consumerism and overconsumption in the clothing industry. Overconsumption today has negative environmental consequences and as a result populations and companies are working towards sustainability. In this report we examine the innovative and sustainable company Veras Vintage. One mission for the company is to encourage people to buy more thrifted clothes rather than fast fashion trends. The assignment describes method and empirical data, theory, analysis and design. Actor-network-theory and design theories are used to analyze and develop

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Veras Vintage i kampen mod overforbrug
Veras Vintage i kampen mod overforbrug

This semester project comes from a common interest in consumerism and overconsumption in the clothing industry. Overconsumption today has negative environmental consequences and as a result populations and companies are working towards sustainability. In this report we examine the innovative and sustainable company Veras Vintage. One mission for the company is to encourage people to buy more thrifted clothes rather than fast fashion trends. The assignment describes method and empirical data, theory, analysis and design. Actor-network-theory and design theories are used to analyze and develop

Kvinder og programmering

Denne rapport vil tage udgangspunkt i problematikken, at kvinder er underrepræsenterede inden for IT-uddannelser. De to systemer, Hour of Code og Processing, undersøges på baggrund af den indsamlede teori, empiri og litteraturstudiet.

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