Fremtidens landbrug – Vertical farming

This project examines the concept of vertical farming and its future possibilities in Danish agriculture. It investigates political, social and historical aspects of agriculture and is based on a case study on one of the leading vertical farm companies in Europe, Nordic Harvest. These aspects will be examined and analyzed with use of Dickson Despommier’s (2010) theories on vertical farming and will be put into perspective by looking at the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Furthermore, the project contains an in depth analysis of the most important technological features

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Fremtidens landbrug – Vertical farming
Fremtidens landbrug – Vertical farming

This project examines the concept of vertical farming and its future possibilities in Danish agriculture. It investigates political, social and historical aspects of agriculture and is based on a case study on one of the leading vertical farm companies in Europe, Nordic Harvest. These aspects will be examined and analyzed with use of Dickson Despommier’s (2010) theories on vertical farming and will be put into perspective by looking at the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Furthermore, the project contains an in depth analysis of the most important technological features


A funny retake on Space Invaders combined with the mink corona mutation

Bæredygtig emballage i detailhandlen

This project investigates the issues regarding the extensive use of plastic in retail today, as well as developing solutions that can eliminate or reduce the current use of plastic in retail. We started our process by finding information about plastic, its use and environmental impacts. We then made a questionnaire and distributed it on Facebook. Parallel to the research, we worked on developing our solutions.

Arduino color sorting

Her har vi så det færdige produkt, hvilket består af to servoer, en LDR sensor, hvilket er en sensor som lyser lysstyrke, og en neoPixel ring, som lyser forskellige farver på vores M&M. Produktet blev anderledes end hvad vi havde forventet, da vores 3D-printede dele ikke blev brugt alligevel. Men selve koden er færdig, og vores produkt kan skyde de forskellige farver M&M ned i deres respektive beholdere.