
This project is about the functions and reactions using the chemical substance, lykkepiller.
The amount of people dealing with anxiety and depression, is massive. Lykkepiller is meant
to create positive reactions, but for some, that doesn’t happen. This subject seems
interesting, for the reason being, that the amount of the Danish population using the
substance, is immense. This health technology does create something positive, but with the
issues that comes with it, makes it interesting to find out, why people decide to take it.

Guidelines til bedre miljømærker

This report seeks to help solve part of the problem, that the Danish consumers have buying sustainable products. Specifically, only 16% find that it is easy, or very easy to spot sustainable products. This is a problem because, a majority seems to want change and are willing to accommodate it, but they lack the ability to change, because of missing sustainable transparency. This report tries to change this, by taking a closer look at the technological system of ecolabels, and creating guidelines, for the two official Danish labels, on how better to communicate sustainability to consumers.

Workshop 8 – Arduino

Arduino workshop tidslinje.
Tidslinjen indeholder arbedsprocessen over 2 uger fra workshoppen. Tidslinjen indeholder både den første uges arbejde, med forskellige små projekter vi lavede for at finde en ide til det endelige produkt vi udarbejdede. Det færdige produkt kan ses som det sidste punkt på tidslinjen.

Link til videopræsentation:

pant på telefoner

This paper focuses on the recycling of mobile phones and the lack of efficacy of already existing systems. It also proposes an idea for a new, more innovative kind of design for a recycling system, which combines elements of leasing and depositing. Furthermore, the contents of this paper uses methods such as Soft Design Science Methodology and interviews to examine how such a system can be as consumer-friendly and sustainable as possible without sacrificing its effectiveness. Using methods such as these also create a link to the various subjects that students of the HumTek Bachelor education.

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