Fremtidens mad

This paper seeks to analyze alternative protein farming systems, in order to present an idea of a different combined farming system, than what are being used today. The focus of the paper is mainly on the current area usage of the conventional animal protein farming, and the feed conversation rate of these.
This will be done by comparative analyses through already established knowledge from around the world, combined with visual models created to show the idea of an Entomo Aquaponics System, which combines the use of insect farming and aquaponics.

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Fremtidens mad
Fremtidens mad

This paper seeks to analyze alternative protein farming systems, in order to present an idea of a different combined farming system, than what are being used today. The focus of the paper is mainly on the current area usage of the conventional animal protein farming, and the feed conversation rate of these.
This will be done by comparative analyses through already established knowledge from around the world, combined with visual models created to show the idea of an Entomo Aquaponics System, which combines the use of insect farming and aquaponics.


This paper addresses future climate changes, and in particular consequences such as long
droughts as well as intense and extreme periods of downpour. With this as a focus, we have
been developing a water management system, which is adapted to an urban hydrological
To accommodate this, we have developed a technological system that consists of a
combination of Klimaflisen designed by the Danish architecture company Trejde Natur and
UV-radiation. The purpose of the technological system is to collect and clean rain for further
use in private households, including flushing the toilet and gard


In this paper we are researching the possibility for microalgae to be an alternative sustainable protein source, compared to other animal protein. We quickly uncovered that microalgae does have a lot of potential as a sustainable protein source. This is because algae has an incredibly high amount of protein contents and low CO2 emission. We wondered if there were some technological barriers, since microalgae is not a widespread protein source in our society.

Klimasikring mod oversvømmelser


Bæredygtigt dyrefoder

Der bruges meget plads på landbrug i Danmark og 80% af alle danske afgrøder, benyttes til fodring af avlsdyr. Udover det bruges 70% af verdens ferskvand på traditionelt landbrug og landbrugsjorden forurenes af pesticider og gødning.

Mental Sygdom VR/AR

This report examines Virtual Reality and the possible uses of this digital technology, as a means to convey a deeper understanding of what it feels like to have schizophrenia.

AR Kunst


Design til hjemløse

This paper examines how homeless people have become more alienated in the city of Copenhagen. Through dark design as well as laws prohibiting homeless people sleeping together in camps, more and more homeless people are having a hard time finding a proper place to sleep. By closely examining the homeless strategy the municipality has in place, as well as talking to key figures in the community, our design attempts to better the terms homeless people have on the streets of Copenhagen.

Edible garden

This paper focuses on elements of a design to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases within the production of food to add to the sustainable development of our society. Because of huge emissions by the production, distribution, and disposal of produce of conventional agriculture, the purpose of this assignment is to compare the make an analysis between conventional agriculture and non-soil solutions. Furthermore, the three non-soil productions, hydroponics, aeroponics and aquaponics are analyzed to find the best compatible with our design.

Ingenuity-helikopter på Mars

Projekt om anvendelse af UAV´er på Mars

Ansigtsgenkendelse i Kina og London

This project seeks to examine the technology of facial recognition, to get an understanding of the consequences it brings. The research question is defined as follows:

“How does the technology behind face recognition work, and which positive and negative consequences can the technology have for the citizens of China and London?”.

Machine Learning and Spot

Med nok energidrik i blodet til at kunne dræbe en elefant ,har vi færdiggjort vores projekt.


This paper dives into the thoughts and processes behind the Supercykelsti
phenomenon that seeks to enrich Denmark’s bicycling infrastructure. By interviewing
officials from within the system of developing infrastructure, it becomes clear which
parameters and standards the biking lanes must contain. The most vital parameters;
hereunder security, comfort and accessibility, have been studied and put into context
of each other. Nudging is also discussed as a means to help citizens increase the
effectiveness of the parameters themselves. Analyzing the Supercykelsti also makes
it apparent where thes

Social Computer Interaction

This project examines how social interaction can be streghtened amongst young Copenhageners through interactive installations.

Workshop – Mars, Psyken + tek i rummet

Astronauter står over for enorme psykologiske udfordringer ved længere rumrejser. VR er potentielt et værktøj, der kan styrke psyken i denne situation.

Her er vores forsøg på at illustrere dette.


For at illustrere, hvilken betydning VR teknologien kan have for astronauter i fremtiden, har projektet produceret en video, som følger Kevin, en astronaut på vej til Mars.

I filmen viser vi, hvordan VR bodysuiten fungerer. Vi antager, at VR rummet ikke kan være alt for pladskrævende og tungt i første omgang. Derfor bliver rummet småt og der implementeres i stedet en treadmill, så der er mulighed for mere bevægelse. På den måde kan astronauter også bruge VR som en form for motion.

Vi håber i nyder filmen!

Marskoloni 22. århundrede #WSF21

Kuppel D, sol 66, (Earth Time: 12/03/2100)

Vi tog den drastiske beslutning at sende mennesker til Mars for at bosætte sig. Målet var ikke at sende millioner af mennesker til Mars, men rettere at garantere menneskehedens overlevelse.

Kuppel D blev bygget i siden af et krater, derved kunne vi sikre os mest mulig beskyttelse fra stråling. I begyndelsen af koloniseringen valgte vi at drage inspiration fra jordens terrasse rismarker, vi kunne hermed udnytte de lodrette kratervægge og gøre plads til landbrug samt beboelse.


Dette er vores produkt som skal forestille en TV-udsendelse i 2187 der omhandler 100-års jubilæet for Mars uafhængighedserklæring.

Safe Copenhagen

In the following paper we wish to examine how the individual respond to surveillance. Overall, there´s more than 1.5 million CCTV cameras in Denmark corresponding to 1 CCTV camera per 3.5 person. Whereas 300.000 of those CCTV cameras are recording in public
We wish to understand the influence of surveillance on the individual’s behavior and what psychological responses may occur when they are under surveillance.
Surveillance in all its forms is all around us, in our phones, in public and when doing the Christmas shopping online, something right under the surface, but not often noticed. We

Genbrug af plastikemballage (Kampagne)

This project examines how a creative teaching approach affects children’s learning and understanding of plastic, primarily soft plastic, within the subject “Science and technology” (Danish: natur/teknologi).
We have designed and compiled a course, which meets the curriculum requirements for the 5th and 6th grade (age 11 to 13). The course consists of two exercises, a teacher guide, a student guide, a poster for the classroom as well as an explanatory YouTube video attached to exercise two.

Genanvendelse af elektronik

We have researched the topic reuse and recycling of mobile phones.

Here is the final result.

Postcard from Mars

Our final product of Postcard from Mars.

Urban Agrikultur i København

Dette projekt omhandler teknologien urban tagbaseret agrikultur, der forsynes af regnvandsindsamling fra tagoverflader, og hvordan denne kan implementeres i København. Projektet kortlægger eksisterende viden, erfaring og praksis inden for regnvandsopsamling og urban agrikultur. Projektets målsætning er at skabe en samlet vidensbase specifikt tilpasset København og formidle denne gennem en designmanual med Københavns Kommune som afsender.

Hverdagen med vand

Dette er den færdigarbejdet rapporten ‘ Hverdagen med vand’ inklusiv vores produkt (informationskampagne)

Byer på vand

Projekt omhandlende energisystem til byer på vand

Byplanlægning i det offentlige rum

The area under the motorway bridge, Bispeengbuen, has been a problematic part of Copen-hagen since it was constructed in 1969. Due to occasional copious amounts of rainwater, the area often experiences flooding which makes it difficult to utilize for recreational and social purposes. This project will explore the possibility of designing a recreational space, incorporation water management as part of the solution. The design will include two ‘water walls’ and a water stream to emphasize the use of the rainwater in a recreational setting

Mars Habitat

This paper examines the challenges in designing a Mars habitat in a lava tube for the first manned mission. Throughout the paper, you will receive an insight into NASA’s Artemis mission, which will enlighten some requirements in designing a Mars habitat. Further, we will analyze and discuss our mission and creation of said habitat from an ethics philosophy perspective.

Interaktiv app guide for turister

This project is based on our interest in traveling, our own experiences and the need we see for developing an app that can help people experience Copenhagen, without being blinded by the commercial attractions that Denmark tries to sell.
We have discovered that people encounter a set of problems when they plan a trip, and when they have to navigate around in a new country and a new city.
Through research and comparison of existing apps, we have found the best and most important features and combined them into one app that allows the person to personalize the trip most optimal for them.

Virksomhedsopstart for studerende

Read Abstract from rapport

Black holes

We decided to produce a short film, related to the person writing our Postcard from Mars. Link to the film below, written postcard attached.

Biosten som kystsikring

This report examines the possibilities of using biocementation as an alternative method for coastal
protection. Biocementation is a sustainable solution for binding loose aggregate without the use of
cement. The use of biocementation in sand results in a product which we refer to as “biostone”.
This process uses the enzyme-producing bacteria Sporosarcina pasteurii with a urea-modified
nutrition broth and calcium, which combined creates a natural looking stone similar to naturally
produced sandstone.

Ældreteknologi og VR

Hvad sker der når man sætter en ældre ud i rummet med Apollo-11 i VR? Følg med her 😉

Postcards from Mars

Projektet fremvises d. 7/3 til Showtime i Glaspyramiden. Fotos og beskrivelse følger!

Støj i rummet, ISS

In this project we investigate the making of a product, which can make life easier and more productive, specifically but not exclusively, for astronauts onboard the International Space Station ISS. A major hassles on the ISS is the high noise levels, that the astronauts face on a daily basis. This leads to a stressful work environment for the astronauts, and with this can many complications follow.


Mars Expedition Initiative, we bring Earth to Mars.