
Igennem denne opgave har vi arbejdet med teoribegrebet angst, og er kommet frem til at der ikke findes nogen helt præcis teori for, hvad angst egentlig er. Vi har kigget på tre forskelli-ge teoretiske forståelser, hvor Søren Kirkegaards forståelse og Irene Henriette Oestrisch for-ståelse ikke er ens. Her ses at begge teoretikere ikke ser angsten på samme måde. Kirke-gaard snakker meget om, hvordan forskellige håndtere deres angst og mangel på håndtering. Derfor kan det medføre til værre angst jo ældre man bliver. Hvorimod Irene H. Oestrisch er meget mere orienteret på, hvordan man kan leve med

Teknologisk genoptræning

This report concerns the usage of sensor technology, where we focus on an already existing tech-nology named ICURA trainer. This technology is being used in several municipalities around Denmark, including Roskilde, to help patients with hip and/or knee injuries, undergo a more ef-fective rehabilitation period. This is done using these ICURA trainer sensors, which collect and analyze how well a patient performs their rehabilitation exercises.
Read the rest in the report.

Mjølnerparkens teoretiske fremtid

This project is based on the idea of increasing the amount of social interaction between the residents in Mjølnerparken by remodeling the common outdoor area.

This is done by a thorough analysis of what works in the already established public area in Mjølnerparken and what can be added so that the residents will use the area more often.

Algoritme og Virksomheder

In this paper we want to investigate how Google as a search engine operates. We also seek to investigate how a given website’s rank can be increased on Google, based on the theory of search enginge optimization. In this regard we teamed up with the Human Ressource company, HRtechX, to illustrate how their website ranking on Google could be increased.
Our thesis explores whether HrtechXs ranking on Google can be affected by well-known search engine optimization strategies and theory hereabout. We describe the most important and relevant aspects of a search engine which include the following:

Blockchain og Kryptovaluta

This paper researches the topic of criminalities influence on Bitcoin.

SoMe’s design og effekter af Skærmtid

This project examines the use of social media and how it affects the daily lives of Danish students. We will study if technology may factor in behavioural changes. We will look into if Apple’s Screen time could be a tool to decrease the user’s time on social media.

Covid-19’s påvirkning af PD-metoder

The purpose of this paper, is to examine how Covid-19 and the restrictions that have followed, have affected participatory design (PD) methods.
PD is well-known for being a design method where cooperation and user involvement is essential. When Covid-19 hit the world at the beginning of 2020 many countries tried to fight the pandemic with lock downs and social distancing. In the wake of these, it is the hypothesis that PD as a method was affected.

Mobileffekter og forstyrrende objekter

This paper concludes that the observed children can be distracted by objects in the classroom, both mobile devices and non-technological
objects. However, mobile devices have certain affordances that intentionally invite
the user to be distracted. Therefore, we conclude that it is effective for schools to
make rules and policies regarding the use of mobile devices. However, it can be
discussed whether we, as adults, can make these statements about the lives of
children, when we have an entirely different lifeworld perspective.


In this project we are looking into the issue of long queues at the bar in night clubs in an attempt to design a solution. We will start by investigating the problem, through a combination of interviews, surveys, observations and theory about the psychological functions of waiting lines.

Fobi simulationer

How can the group through a VR-simulation of heights give the public a better understanding of how it feels to live with a phobia?
We have specified our project’s main topic to be about mental sickness, which we later narrowed down to phobias. Our main task is to create and evaluate a realistic phobia simulation through Virtual Reality of the many harsh and horrible symptoms, that the patients undergo when facing their specific phobia triggers. We have chosen to study the symptoms and causes of acrophobia which is an extreme or irrational fear of heights.

Sociale medier og mental sundhed

The theme of this paper has its roots in social media and mental health. Many people are using social media in their daily life. By doing so they might not question or noticing how it affects one’s mental health and wellbeing. As a group of students, we are concerned about the unawareness and potential consequences there is regarding social media providing a basis for a bad mental state.
The intention of this paper is to examine how a social media platform such as Instagram affects young people’s self-worth and identity and to create a critical design demonstrating this.


This assignment attends the matters of loneliness, social media’s influence on loneliness and the way of making new friendships for young individuals between the age of 16-29 years old. The main purpose of this group project is to create a new way for people to make friends, whom all share the same hobbies and interests as one might have. The solution we’ve come up with, is our own application. On our application everything relies on the things you have in common instead of the society’s likes and swipes as other social networks rely on.
Since we were unable to create a functional app, we’ve

Netflix’ CO2-udledning

This paper examines the streaming service Netflix and its emission of carbon dioxide. It examines the causes behind Netflix’ emission of carbon dioxide, and to what extent it happens, by looking at the inner workings of how data is transmitted from a data center to a personal device. The purpose of this project is to design a campaign, which can inform young people of the negative effects of streaming on Netflix in the hope that the knowledge will make them change their streaming habits. The iterative design process is used as well as different kinds of qualitative and quantitative methods.

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