Atomkraft alá SEABORG

Det færdige projekt.


In this project we try to get a sense of how the youth struggles with decluttering their homes and we attempt to make an application that focuses on this while also keeping them engaged in the application. We will be looking at various theories concerning games and motivation, to find the best possible solution.
This application will be based on image recognition which will help to connect the application to reality. We will end this project by concluding on our findings throughout the process of making this project.

Esportsklubber og ‘toxic’ adfærd

The aim of this project is to understand how Esport clubs in Denmark set conditions for the members and how they can affect the players behavior in relation to toxic behavior when they play CS:GO. Through theories about online behavior and practice theory we have been given a better understanding on how toxic behavior can exist in cyberspace and in practices. With the use of two expert interviews, an observation of a training session, and a Coloured Cognitive Map (CCM) we wish to visualize our problem and discuss how a possible design solution could minimize or annihilate toxic behavior.

online meetings with vulnerable youth

In this paper we wish to figure out if it’s actually the case that people prefer the online meetings over physical ones and if there actually is a possibility that the online meetings could replace the physical meetings. To do this we chose to analyze the suggested technology VitaComm using “TRIN-Modellen” as an analytical framework while viewing the technology through a phenomenological perspective on technology.

et samfund for psykisk sårbare

In this paper we wish to figure out if it’s actually the case that people prefer the online meetings over physical ones and if there actually is a possibility that the online meetings could replace the physical meetings. To do this we chose to analyze the suggested technology VitaComm using “TRIN-Modellen” as an analytical framework while viewing the technology through a phenomenological perspective on technology.

Plastik i havene set i virtual reality

This project aims to examine how a virtual reality experience can change people’s understanding of the world in relation to plastic waste in the oceans. We concluded that by aiming this experience at the politicians we will reach the best outcome because they influence the laws, and this will make a broader change. Based on our project we conclude that a virtual reality experience aimed at the politicians is a desirable tool to encourage people to make a difference, and to make them aware of how we are connected to the world through water.

Supercomputeren i hånden

The purpose of this project is to investigate the connection between different generations’ interaction with their smartphones, and whether they feel this interaction has an impact on their concentration and memory. This was done by using interviews, based on postphenomenology, and the experimental design.

Gaming eller Gambling

This paper analyzes lootboxes in context to the human behavior, surrounding its use
amongst the youth, that occurs through the use of video games monetization
systems, hence why this paper researches what makes these lootboxes attractive to
the youth. This will be carried out through the understanding of how behaviorism and
subsequently how reward systems in video game design works, by analyzing these
concepts through the use of actor-network theory. (…)

Big data og subjektivitet

Dette projekt handler om subjektet og teknologien i hverdagen, samt hvordan datamining påvirker subjektet gennem personlig reklameføring

Brugerenes it-sikkherhed

This report examines the Danishsystem called NemIDand how it has affected the Danish people. We had at the start a problem, which was finding out why NemID has being targeted and why its users havegone through several hacking attacks, also how it has affected the users of NemID. We used different methods, such as analyzing the NemID tool itself and we also used a theory called diffusion of innovation, which focuses on spreading new technology. We used our analysis as help for us to understand, what NemID is, how its build and how its spread. Theories suchas ANT (Actor-network -theory), have

Sprogbruget i gamerverdenen

With a social constructivist approach, this third semester project, is focusing on the studies of language usage in the world of gaming. It has been studied, how language usage unfolds on online gaming platforms, focusing on Discord, as well as how this affects the other users of the platform. This has led to an insight into the difference between virtual- and analog communication. Various studies have been carried out, including a focus group interview, which is the central empiri in this project. The empiri has been analyzed using Anthony Giddens and his concepts of the separation of time an


The following report contains the Epital’s perspective on how elderly COPD patients, home monitor their chronic disease, through telemedicine as well as the technological components used.

Roommate matchmaking

I dette projekt bliver en hjemmeside designet, der skal hjælpe SU-modtagende studerende til at finde en optimal roommate.

Multiplayer Games and Learning

Dette projekt undersøger forholdet mellem samarbejde i League of Legends og spillernes samarbejdsevner. Vi gør brug af etnografiske metoder i form af Interview og Fokusgruppeinterview, samt TRIN-modellen som rammeværk for analyse af teknologien.
Vores resultater viser, at der er en tendens til øget samarbejdsevne blandt League of Legends spillere.