P-piller til mænd

This study seeks to examine the reason why male birth control pills do not exist and why the development of such have not gotten any further. In addition, the project also seeks to elaborate what social and individual significance it would have if such a pill became a reality.

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P-piller til mænd
P-piller til mænd

This study seeks to examine the reason why male birth control pills do not exist and why the development of such have not gotten any further. In addition, the project also seeks to elaborate what social and individual significance it would have if such a pill became a reality.


Igennem denne opgave har vi arbejdet med teoribegrebet angst, og er kommet frem til at der ikke findes nogen helt præcis teori for, hvad angst egentlig er. Vi har kigget på tre forskelli-ge teoretiske forståelser, hvor Søren Kirkegaards forståelse og Irene Henriette Oestrisch for-ståelse ikke er ens. Her ses at begge teoretikere ikke ser angsten på samme måde. Kirke-gaard snakker meget om, hvordan forskellige håndtere deres angst og mangel på håndtering. Derfor kan det medføre til værre angst jo ældre man bliver. Hvorimod Irene H. Oestrisch er meget mere orienteret på, hvordan man kan leve med

Hjemsendelse af udsatte børn.

Not everybody finds online tuition easy. We will try to solve this problem.

Computerspils afhængighed

This project assignment deals with the issue of gaming disorder. WHO gave its first proposal on a definition of gaming disorder in 2016, and in 2018 gaming disorder was officially defined in the 11th Revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11). This has spawned a lot of debate among scholars. The project attempts to answer how gaming disorder emerges and is developed in males, within the age group 20-30 year old, with a specific focus on the computer game called World of Warcraft.

NAO-robot som Folkeskoleteknologi

Robots have, for a long time, been used as tools and technology in the daily life of many people, but where most people only think of them as usable in the industrial sector, robots have recently started to become implemented in the human sector. This group finds the idea of robots becoming used in the school sector very interesting, and will in this report strive to define one such educational robot and figure out how and where it is being used in elementary schools in Denmark. Through former research and interview with a former school teacher who has worked with one such educational robot…

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