
With the rise of technology advancement, humans have been able to raise their living standards compared to other species. While this may be true, isn’t it possible that the very same technology ends up worsen the standards it aims to improve? By utilizing interviews to understand how each individual interacts with the technology known as a pacemaker. A pacemaker aims to secure the safety of humans who is at risk of heart failure, but does it really add a sense of security?

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With the rise of technology advancement, humans have been able to raise their living standards compared to other species. While this may be true, isn’t it possible that the very same technology ends up worsen the standards it aims to improve? By utilizing interviews to understand how each individual interacts with the technology known as a pacemaker. A pacemaker aims to secure the safety of humans who is at risk of heart failure, but does it really add a sense of security?


Rapport omkring hvordan en ICD-pacemaker virker, analyseret ved hjælp af TRIN-modellen. Ydermere en analyse omkring hvordan hjemmemonitoreringen påvirker patienten og dennes forhold til sundhedsvæsenet.

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This paper examines how our artifact called “læringsstativet,” can strengthen children’s educational levels in danish kindergartens, as well as their social skills, and thereby making the job of preparing children for preschool easier for danish kindergarten teachers. It is also examined which design choices can make “læringsstativet” the most efficient regarding the aforementioned factors. The design process consisting of inspiration, ideation, Implementation is explained. By using colored cognitive mapping we identified the causes and consequences of the problem, that there are not enough nu


The following project is a design-focused solution, based on the problems regarding the use of wash toilets as a healthcare technology in Danish nursing homes.This project has produced a design and knowledge to deepen our understanding of the wash toilet’s role in Danish healthcare – and in doing so, it also contributes to understanding future problems and seeing where our current knowledge is incomplete.

We seek to examine what autonomy is and which criterias must be met, in order to truly denote a system of being autonomous. The military drone-model MQ-9 Reaper, will be the focal point of this examination. By distinguishing between automatic, behaviour-based robotics and autonomous systems we seek to clarify the boundaries between the concepts in order to classify MQ-9 Reaper. Lastly the paper seeks to shed light on the possibility of autonomy in future aerial vehicles.

Virtual Reality på hospitaler

This project seeks to examine, how Virtual Reality can function as active distraction in painful medical treatments at hospitals. Child patients are often subjected to painful medical treatments, such as vaccinations or intravenous-drop placements. Research has shown that pain can lead to consequences if not handled properly.


This project is based on the investigation of the technology Young Blood.

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