Kan kød erstattes af luft?

This paper examines the possibilities of using air and electricity to create protein through a fermentation process, which is referred to as “air protein”. . This paper analyses the internal mechanisms and processes of the fermentation process. The paper then compares air protein to our current meat production by analysing various climate footprints of air protein against beef production. Multiple barriers to changing peoples’ current meat consumption are also identified.


The aim of this paper is to understand the hows and the whys of open-sourced DIY looping. To investigate this, we have conducted interviews with people who label themselves as loopers. We wanted to find out how long they have been using the system, what their overall thoughts on it were, how it compares to conventional treatment, and what impact it has had on their lives. This data has been thematically analyzed to help us find correlation between their answers. Furthermore, we have included relevant and recent research on the topic, to further shed light on the phenomenon.

Socialtmedie som talerør for aktivisme

This project aims to study the field of a certain movement as a reaction to the ban of crop tops at a primary school in Denmark. Furthermore, with a focus on how a certain feminist uses a social media platform to join and contribute to the movement while communicating, increasing awareness, and starting debates about the ban of crop tops.

Atomkrafts indflydelse på samfundet

This project aims to study and discuss discourses appearing in debates regarding nuclear power in Denmark today. The examination and identification of historical and existing discourses will be based on the perspective of social constructivism and discursive practices, with the purpose to get a specific perspective on the subject. By doing this, the project has included its own empirical data and furthermore used external empirical knowledge, to accommodate the study of the above. Besides the focus on discours, the project also aims to study the technological part of nuclear power. The project

Selvscans effekt på detailsektoren

Her er det færdige projekt.

app til social angst

Our project report focuses on the use of technology and how it can be used to create tools that can effectively help persons with mental health struggles, which we later decided to be specifically targeted at social anxiety. Through the research we have done and the literature that has been accumulated we came to the conclusion that the most productive way for us to accomplish the goal we wanted was through the development of an application.



Præstationsangst app

Et projekt der omhandler eksamensangst. I dette projekt udvikler vi en prototype der skal hjælpe folk med eksamensangst.

De hjemløses verden

This project examines how Odense municipality can use GPS-tracking as a tool for citizen involvement regarding urban planning. It investigates social and technological aspects of how the homeless can be empowered by being included in the process of urban planning. Furthermore, the technologies and systems of GPS-tracking, data management and data visualization will be analyzed.

Offentligt transport

This project incorporates the dimensions “Subjectivity, Technology and Society”, “Design & Construction”, and “Scientific Theory”.
The assignment is focused on the sustainable and environmentally friendly aspects of public transport systems. The report goes on to explore how green and sustainable public transport truly is, and how we can make people between the ages of 18 to 29 play a bigger part in slowing down the global CO₂ emissions by choosing public transportation.

Teams påvirkning på hjemmearbejde

This project is based on the communication tools Microsoft Teams and Skype and how they are used by the respondents. The project shows, through the use of, two employees from BEC and Danske Spil how they feel affected by the use of these two tools as their primary communica-tion systems when the fremgangsmåde work from home. Furthermore, the project analyses and shows, through the use of the Preliminary model and the SECI-model, how the employees effi-ciency and knowledge sharing are affected as they work from home over the communication tools Microsoft Teams and Skype.

Come together

In this project, we have concluded that our solution regarding our research question; “How can modern technology help young adults with reaching out and finding people with the same hobbies in their community?”, was defined by the creation of an application. In regards to the app, we used different types of methods to help us investigate how to produce an application that will satisfy our targeted audiences such as Interviews, Hevners 3 cycles model, coloured cognitive mapping, storyboard, iterative method, prototypes, and logo method.

Refill af emballage

Basisprojekt 1

Bæredygtig tøjproduktion

Projektet omhandler hvordan vi gennem en kampagnevideo kan informere unge om CO2 udledning i tøjindustrien og opfordre til at købe færre stykker tøj så CO2 udledningen bliver reduceret.

Sports and communities

Playing a sport for a designated team can be a privilege not all people have. For some people the problem is their economy and for others it is their introverted tendencies.Meeting people to play with can also be hard. Thatis why in this project we create a hypothesis to try and solve this problem.We researchedonline communities who have succeeded in bringing people together through sports and tried to emulate said communities.To find a possible answer first we had to gather data, which we did through interviews with a successful organisation c

Selvkørende biler

Through this project, artificial intelligence and the communication system Vehicle to Everything will be explained regarding the technology. Furthermore, the project analyses and shows, through the use of qualitative content analysis, how the United States Department of Transportation and the European commission envision the future for automated mobility in the US and in Europe. The project will further conclude how the US jeopardize safety regulations in order to enhance innovation, while the EU provoke careful planning and safety regulations, which slows the innovation process.

Den Gode Død

This project was formed because of our interest in the relationship of the Danish people to death
or the lack thereof. We wanted to find out which possibilities the different technologies and rituals
presents to the people who die and those closest to them. This is not just about the funeral itself,
but also focuses on the way people choose to remember those they lost afterwards.
We quickly found out that there are certain rules and rituals when it comes to the funeral itself, but
when it comes to the needs of the people left behind, and in some cases the person who died, then
there are not a

Den grønne død

The report explores alternative burial methods for a greener direction. The technologies mentioned from beginning to end will display the possibility of a decrease in the carbon dioxide pollution and the establishment of a sustainable environment. The report will enlighten the views of different groups in the community of Denmark. We will discuss the ethics of the use of the technology on corpses by interviewing individuals and analyzing select texts. We will also study the possibility of diffusion of the burial methods in the society of Denmark.

Hydroponik i konventionell landbrug

En semesteroppave omkring hydronpiske fabrikker i Danmark og Japan.


This paper seeks to examine the alcohol culture among young people between 20 and 25 years in Denmark. Binge-drinking is a reality, and research from Sundhedsstyrelsen shows, that this drinking culture has big consequences. Therefore, we are going to try and affect this culture. We wish to introduce the target group, to other ways of gratification. Therefore, we will inform the target group about quality beer. To do so, we will analyze the production of quality beer, by using the trinmodel. Hereafter we will perform a taste test, where the target group are introduced to quality beer.

Quantifed self

This paper seeks to study different aspects of self-tracking and some of the technologies behind it. A selection of technologies in wearable self-tracking units are explained, including how they work compared to traditional ways of monitoring, for example heart rate. The connection between humans and wearable self-tracking technologies is analysed using actor network-theory and Bruno Latour’s concept of purification and hybridization. In addition,
how an user most effectively uses these technologies is analysed and discussed based of personal experiments with self-tracking.These experiments…

eLærings påvirkning i indskolingen

In the modern world we tend to modernize every possible aspect of society, but to keep up with demand for further modernization, we seem to overlook and analyze what happens in the fields affected.
This paper examined what happens in an elementary school when they use the enforced digital systems and digital teaching aids. The paper has its focus on the teachers and their struggle but studies the pupils’ point of view, in order to establish a grasping phenomenological understanding of the affected field.
We conclude from field observations, interviews and a single survey – that there exists a

Protese & Identitet

Amputees, Prosthetics & Identity


Rapporten er privat. Hvis man er interreseret i at læse opgave, bedes i kontakte os.

This project seeks to look at the ways the two danish political parties, Stram Kurs and Alternativet, uses Facebook as a way to communicate politically, and the way the users interact with these parties’ posts

Den Onde Algoritme

This paper examines the perceived and observed ignorance, regarding the lack of skepticism when interacting with cookies and algorithms. Our research is based on a combination of theory and methodology, we have used interviews and surveys, as well as usability to create an interactive campaign as a solution to hopefully, bring back some of the skepticism that we need to avoid creating a horrifyingly complete algorithmic identity. We focus on Google and personalized marketing to illustrate and inform about algorithmic identity…

Adfærdsregulerings vha. A.I.
Teknologien bag selvkørende biler

This paper seeks to study how the different technological artefacts in a self driving car function. In addition, it also investigates how one can learn about the Artificial Intelligence used in these cars, by constructing a virtual 3D simulation using the engine Unity. Some of the more relevant technological artefacts are explained, as well as their link and connection to one another, to get a sense of the coherence between the different sensors and the AI in a self driving car. The process of learning by constructing a simulation is examined by using John Dewey’s theory about …

Dette projekt omhandler københavnske børnefamilier, og stiller spørgsmålet: Hvorfor flytter I ikke til et yderområder? Vi har fundet inspiration i Odsherred Kommune og deres løsning på til- og fraflytningsproblemet.