
Ta-Daa! Det færdige projekt 🙂

Eftersom jeg kun har 600 tegn i dette tekstfelt kan du finde abstract på s. 2 i pdf rapporten.

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Ta-Daa! Det færdige projekt 🙂

Eftersom jeg kun har 600 tegn i dette tekstfelt kan du finde abstract på s. 2 i pdf rapporten.

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Færdiggjort rapport

Hydroponisk Vertikal foderproduktion

Dette projekt kigger på muligheden for arealbesparelse, ved hjælp af hydroponisk vertikalt landbrug, i from af en omlægning af foderproduktion, med henblik på at få mere vild natur

GPS overvågning

This Project assignment is about the Global Positioning System (GPS), how it works and its impact on society in relation to smart mobility.
We used the 6-step model by Thomas Budde Christensen, Erling Jelsøe and Niels Jørgensen, to understand how the GPS work and operates.
Throughout the project, four different cases will be examined, which gives an overview on the great impact GPS has on society in relation to smart mobility.

Safe Copenhagen

In the following paper we wish to examine how the individual respond to surveillance. Overall, there´s more than 1.5 million CCTV cameras in Denmark corresponding to 1 CCTV camera per 3.5 person. Whereas 300.000 of those CCTV cameras are recording in public
We wish to understand the influence of surveillance on the individual’s behavior and what psychological responses may occur when they are under surveillance.
Surveillance in all its forms is all around us, in our phones, in public and when doing the Christmas shopping online, something right under the surface, but not often noticed. We

Grøn Passage

In June 2019, Tivoli held a press conference, in which they presented their intention to convert the section of Vesterbrogade that stretches from Bernstorffsgade to H.C. Andersens Blvd. to a public park. The busy street in the heart of Copenhagen is to be completely transformed, closing the street to all traffic and incorporating trees, benches and better lighting.
Our goal throughout the project is to create a potential design in which we account for rainwater, natures impact on health, noise and air pollution.

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