Anbefalingsalgoritmer i hverdagen

In the project we attempt to dig into the recommendation side of Spotify, how the algorithms work, and how they shape our way of listening to and discovering new music. We chose to work primarily with the Spotify playlist “Discover Weekly”, as it generates a new playlist full of songs the user most likely have not heard at all.
The highlights:
– General insight of a consumer’s experiences with the Spotify Recommendation Algorithms.
– Awareness to how these algorithms affect the consumers choice of music.
– How the algorithms and discover weekly has affected us during the project period.

Facebooks Relevansalgoritme

Et indblik i Facebooks relevansalgoritme og dens magt.

Showtime på Thirdroom

En opsamling/evaluering af Workshop Showtime F2021, som viser graden af aktiv deltagelse og interaktion på Thirdroom.

Den (Lyse)Grønne Sti

Vi ønsker at gøre Den Grønne Sti mere sammenhængende, da vi på baggrund af egne observationer har oplevet indgangene til stien som nemme at overse i de mørke timer. Helt specifikt vil vi designe og opsætte lysinstallationer ved stiens indgange. Vi har en teori om, at lysinstallationerne ved indgangene kan medføre, at vi, og ønskeligt flere, benytter sig af stien. Målet med vores projekt er at optimere Den Grønne Stis affordance, sådan, at der ikke er en tvivl om stiens formål.

pant på telefoner

This paper focuses on the recycling of mobile phones and the lack of efficacy of already existing systems. It also proposes an idea for a new, more innovative kind of design for a recycling system, which combines elements of leasing and depositing. Furthermore, the contents of this paper uses methods such as Soft Design Science Methodology and interviews to examine how such a system can be as consumer-friendly and sustainable as possible without sacrificing its effectiveness. Using methods such as these also create a link to the various subjects that students of the HumTek Bachelor education.

Genanvendelse af elektronik

We have researched the topic reuse and recycling of mobile phones.

Here is the final result.

The Unknown Data

This project focuses on relevance algorithms, and how Social Media platforms potentially use the technology. We focus our research on the platform Facebook for this project. The report is in Danish, and will touch upon the subject, on how Facebook arguably collect data from their userbase, and from other third-party programs, applications and such, with the purpose of providing personalized content and advertisement. The report also investigates how relevance algorithms might work. To research how Facebook potentially do that, we execute and analyze an experiment, and try to reach a …

Datasikkerhed i ansigsgenkendelse

Vi undersøger ansigtsgenkendelse som teknologi. Heriblandt kigger vi på lovgivningen og udfordringerne. Vi udfører vores eget eksperiment.

Algoritmisk kategorisering

This project aimed to examine the potential ramifications of implementing the Gladsaxe-model as a
form of algorithmic categorization of the citizens in Gladsaxe municipality. This was done by
analyzing the technical aspects of classification algorithms and their role in a larger data analysis
structure, drawing structural inspiration from the TRIN-model. Afterwords we looked into the
current criterias for categorizing a child as vulnerable. We then examined the legal and ethical
complications involved in an implementation of such a system, as well as the technical barriers that
would manifest

Interaktiv Lydlegeplads

This semester project deals with the involuntary exposure to an increasing amount of high frequency electromagnetic radiation – mainly as a result of modern telecommunication technologies. In this case the thesis goes that whatever we cannot experience, we aren’t as inclined to give much importance to. The approach of this project has therefore been to introduce an instrument that demonstrates a felt awareness through translating the otherwise invisible signals into hearable sound.

Silent Disco 2.0

An attempt to improve Silent Disco by adding the missing element of the bass drum

Urban light installation

This paper describes an iterative methodology for creating and evaluating a design, which solves a specific problem. Looking at theories addressing atmospheres and affordances, the paper seeks to create an interactive light installation and to recreate an environments atmospheric sensation, while being self-explanatory in the act of interaction.