
Our project explores the possibilities that VR technology can provide for us. Not only can it be used for game purposes, but also help us visualise our everyday homes and interior designs without having to worry about the real-life hassle of moving and placing furniture. We want to focus on how we can take advantage of VR, and use it to eliminate the missing visualisation, because sometimes it can be difficult to visualise the design when designing and furnishing rooms. The main purpose we want to examine and dig deeper in is how VR can be a useful tool when designing rooms.

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Our project explores the possibilities that VR technology can provide for us. Not only can it be used for game purposes, but also help us visualise our everyday homes and interior designs without having to worry about the real-life hassle of moving and placing furniture. We want to focus on how we can take advantage of VR, and use it to eliminate the missing visualisation, because sometimes it can be difficult to visualise the design when designing and furnishing rooms. The main purpose we want to examine and dig deeper in is how VR can be a useful tool when designing rooms.

Kommunikation i sundhedsvæsenet

In Denmark practitioners and patients are not good at communicating with each other, which has led to 63 people dying each year because of patient injuries that occur due to misdiagnosis. Over time, the Danish government in collaboration with municipalities and regions have improved digitalization in danish healthcare, intending to support communication for this issue. With this in mind, the project examines if an app can contribute to stronger communication between a general practitioner and a patient.

Covid-19’s påvirkning af PD-metoder

The purpose of this paper, is to examine how Covid-19 and the restrictions that have followed, have affected participatory design (PD) methods.
PD is well-known for being a design method where cooperation and user involvement is essential. When Covid-19 hit the world at the beginning of 2020 many countries tried to fight the pandemic with lock downs and social distancing. In the wake of these, it is the hypothesis that PD as a method was affected.

Brugerdrevet design

The purpose of thisprojectistotry to identify common tendencies in different PD cases, and to see if it is possible to schematize these tendencies, toachievea higher understanding, and a helpful guide for future PD-projects.Furthermore, the project will explainindetail how current PD-projectsfunction and the ups and downs by takingaparticipatory approach.The project will include a comprehensivedata analysis, interviews with leading PDresearchersand the use of theauto ethnographicapproach.Through empirical,quantitativeand qualitativemethods, the project has found its foundation in six…

Smartwatch Tracking

Selftracking with smartwatches to live a healthy life

Digital hjælpemiddel til type 2 diabet

This paper explains T2DM and social inequality within the illness. Furthermore it shows the use of SDSM. Interviews were made in order to make an analysis. Based on that analysis we created a design. Thereafter we discuss our designs ability to embrace social inequality within the treatment of type 2 diabetes.


The focus of this project is about simplifying appointments in the healthcare sector by enlightening the possibilities by analysing the existing applications and their strengths and weeknesses.

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