Social Media Analytics

In this project we will focus on the platform YouTube and investigate as well as analyzing the algorithms on social media and how its recommended algorithms work as a filter bubble.

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Social Media Analytics
Social Media Analytics

In this project we will focus on the platform YouTube and investigate as well as analyzing the algorithms on social media and how its recommended algorithms work as a filter bubble.

Social media algorithms

The focus of this project is to understand how the TikTok recommendation algorithm works and observe how it affects the user. Furthermore, this paper works towards understanding what a filter bubble is and if a filter bubble is a negative thing. This project is based on theories about machine learning, algorithms and filter bubbles. The project includes a pilot experiment where the aim is to discern if filter bubbles exist and if so, how fast they can occur.

Machine-learning i sundhedsvæsenet

This project is about the potential advantage and consequences, that machine learning could have in the Danish health care system. The focus is prediction of patient absenteeism which we will shed a light on, through our own machine learning model, In connection with a literature analysis.
The literature analysis is made, due to the load of experiments and surveys already made on the topic. One of the scientific articles that we are working with, is an experiment about the specific topic of our project prediction of patient absenteeism through machine learning.
In the project there will be i

Brugerdrevet analyse af Thirdroom

This paper is developed in collaboration with the non-profit organization Thirdroom.
Their collaborative platform, and use cases associated with it, will be the context of this
project. This project focuses on the process of cultivating Thirdroom in project work, and
how to get the platform to make sense for the users. We wish to investigate the cultivation
problem Thirdroom faces, by focusing on a specific workflow performed by students when

working on their project while searching for inspiration. Furthermore, the project is struc-
tured on the basis of the MUST-method, with its associated

BIBA course synopsis (AirBNB case)

This is a synopsis for the BIBA couse, the summarize by practical assignments and the use of theory the content of the course.

Jens Ulrik isn't working on any live projects right now.