Mindpalace VR

We seek to examine what autonomy is and which criterias must be met, in order to truly denote a system of being autonomous. The military drone-model MQ-9 Reaper, will be the focal point of this examination. By distinguishing between automatic, behaviour-based robotics and autonomous systems we seek to clarify the boundaries between the concepts in order to classify MQ-9 Reaper. Lastly the paper seeks to shed light on the possibility of autonomy in future aerial vehicles.

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We seek to examine what autonomy is and which criterias must be met, in order to truly denote a system of being autonomous. The military drone-model MQ-9 Reaper, will be the focal point of this examination. By distinguishing between automatic, behaviour-based robotics and autonomous systems we seek to clarify the boundaries between the concepts in order to classify MQ-9 Reaper. Lastly the paper seeks to shed light on the possibility of autonomy in future aerial vehicles.


This project is based on the investigation of the technology Young Blood.

Droner I Krig

how military drones work and are used by the united states.

Omsorg gennem Virtual Reality

In this project rapport, the group will strive to define and analyse Virtual Reality as a technology, and find the uses for the technology in regards to care for elders with dementia. This is done by deploying knowledge about Virtual Reality, gathered through books and theses, in a model for defining technology through several specific steps. This knowledge will be used in expert interviews to figure out how the technology is used in regards to dementia, and will be focused by the use of a case study to generalise the use of Virtual Reality in this context.

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