Digitalisering af valg i DK

In this project, we have focused on the fact that certain ethnic groups of the constituency do not participate in the Danish parliamentary elections. The are many reason for this. Studies show that these groups are not as engaged about the elections as other groups. In addition, statistics show that they vote least, thus supporting the statement above. Furthermore, we have taken an active interest in finding out other factors leading this lack of interest in political matters and what we can do to change this. We wondered if the introduction of an app that will allow electronic voting will bet

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In this project, we have focused on the fact that certain ethnic groups of the constituency do not participate in the Danish parliamentary elections. The are many reason for this. Studies show that these groups are not as engaged about the elections as other groups. In addition, statistics show that they vote least, thus supporting the statement above. Furthermore, we have taken an active interest in finding out other factors leading this lack of interest in political matters and what we can do to change this. We wondered if the introduction of an app that will allow electronic voting will bet

Carbon footprinting in supermarkets

The food industry is responsible for 22 % of carbon emissions in Denmark. The increase of climate emissions are causing tremendous and long-lasting problems for our planet. The changes that occur in the natural environment due to climate gas emissions may be irreversible, and the consequences of the problem are about to be a great concern for the humans that live today, as well as for the ones in the future. The consequences of the climate change concern agriculture and food supply on a greater scale, and are hitting the consumers directly.


Her er vores svar på vores endelige projekt. Vi har forsøgt at svare på vores problemformulering der lyder: På hvilken måde kan man opfylde brugernes og makeupartisternes behov i udviklingen af en platform, der forbinder dem?

Derudover har vi tilføjet vores bilag til vores rapport, samt den visuelle præsentation, som en ekstra billedfil.

Til slut har vi et link til vores hjemmeside (Unimakeups hjemmeside: ).

Paya isn't working on any live projects right now.