
This report seeks to evaluate on lessons learned so far running the digital platform Thirdroom since 2017, with its prime starting point in the Humtek house under RUC, IMT. The information gathered is used to generate an implementation strategy for Thirdroom to be executed on IKH in the nearby future. Through the use of ‘Semi constructed Interview Method’ data has been gathered from different individuals belonging to different interest groups, connected to the usages of Thirdroom.

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This report seeks to evaluate on lessons learned so far running the digital platform Thirdroom since 2017, with its prime starting point in the Humtek house under RUC, IMT. The information gathered is used to generate an implementation strategy for Thirdroom to be executed on IKH in the nearby future. Through the use of ‘Semi constructed Interview Method’ data has been gathered from different individuals belonging to different interest groups, connected to the usages of Thirdroom.

Cooperative Buildings

Within the officeVISON project we are exploring four main themes.
On main driving force for us is that we should live the best possible life without doing it at the expense of future generations.
Describe office vision: Not a full scale office, more like a prototype real working environment showcase, 1100 sqm, room for 80 people.
Climatic shild technology: entirely build of evacuated glazing, it is an energy producing building using integrated photovoltaic solution.
Sustainable working methods, Democratic organisation, A healthy indoor environment and Liberating cooperative tehcnologies

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