Madspild og system optimering

This paper reveals a clearer picture of food circulation as a larger system and how small incremental changes to said system are likely to not have any significant positive effect on the problem, and how households have a huge role in the amount of total food waste in Denmark. Furthermore, the sociotechnical analysis highlights barriers to improvement within the system. The thesis concludes that these emerging technologies are more of a gimmick than a solution – an attempt to insert a middleman between the consumer and their food consumption with no apparent advantage.

Robotter og Levendegørelse

Dette er vores endelige produkt

Tjernobyls Flora

25 år efter atomkatastrofen på Tjernobyl, er der opstået et helt særligt landskab omkring det tidligere atomkraftværk i Ukraine. Den radioaktive stråling har givet træerne varige mén, fuglene dér har udviklet mindre hjerne. Samtidig er der sendt nye ’Xeno-botter’, udviklet med celler fra bl.a. frøer, ind i området. I krydsningen mellem disse ganske forskellige væsener og vækster opstår nye levende væsener, som på ganske forskellig vis interagerer med landskabet, hinanden og de mennesker som tør besøge området. Heriblandt Flora.

Virtuelt prøverum

This examination contains a statement of the problem about the volume of returns in online fashion, including the environmental impact it provides. The examination is based on the corporation The actual problem occurs, when the size guides and other factors makes it hard for the consumers to find the correct sizes. This makes it more likely that consumers buy multiple pieces of the same outfit in various sizes.

Red Light, Green Light

What if children’s games were lethal?


We won the WE21!

Anti Racistisk Kunst Projekt

Kunst projekt der arbejder med blandingen mellem empati og interaktion igennem teknologi.

Vær opmærksom på at læse disclaimer før der blev set nogle film

Teknologisk overvågning

In this report, we seek to examine technological surveillance in workplaces and environments and thereby the consequential influence on the employees. This examination is carried out through a thorough investigation of a particular case concerning as a workplace by the assessing of three technologies, and the influence and consequences of their implementation, in comparison to their supposed purposes.

Hjælpemiddel til lydsensitivitet

Some individuals with underlying conditions such as autism tend to have issues with overstimulation in noisy environments and/or hypersensitivity towards specific or loud sounds – also called hyperacusis. In this paper we will investigate the possibilities and difficulties of alleviating issues with hyperacusis, while focusing on designing a discreet wearable device that can aid people in this target group.

Transparency in game accessibilty

Det handler om tilgængelighed og mennesker med handicap.

Computer conversation WS


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