Interaktionen ml. smartphone-individet

The purpose of this project is to investigate the interaction between smartphones and individuals. In Denmark alone, nine out of ten Danes own a smartphone. 85 percent of them (aged 16-64 years old) use their smartphones for private media consumption and purposes.
Not only are smartphones usable in the communication sector, but they are also ideal for other purposes. The fact that smartphones are getting “smarter”, generates concerns and inevitable
consequences for the individual consumers.

Et værktøj til deacceleration

This paper wishes to investigate podcast as a technology and its expediency when it comes to conveying
and distributing a mindful experience. Through an introduction to theories about mindfulness, its relevance
in modern life and a description of podcast as a technology a mindful sound experience is designed.

Hvad er den perfekte kvinde? – podcast

Denne podcast omhandler kvinders påklædning.

! Vil vi gøre jer opmærksomme på, at podcasten indeholder et lydklip, som er baseret på en voldtægtsscene, og kan derfor virke stødende for nogle. I så fald anbefaler vi ikke at lytte. !

Workshop – Podcast

Denne podcast er en historiefortællende podcast. Historien handler om en ung piges hverdag under hendes menstruation, hvor man hører hendes tanker og stress omkring det at have menstruation. Man hører også hvordan det kan være med til at ødelægge de planer hun har for weekenden med hendes kammerater.

Podcast – Det Kontroversielle Hjørne

Tag gerne dine høretelefoner på – så opnår du klart den bedste lyd oplevelse.
Oliver, spilles af Midde – vi vil gerne understrege, at alle medvirkende KUN spiller en rolle 😉

Videopræsentation af vores podcast kan ses nederst her 🙂


Workshop podcast.

Kønsroller i barndomshjem – Podcast

En podcast hvor vi diskuterer kønsroller.

Optimering af seksualundervisning

The purpose of this project is to investigate what shortcomings there may be within sex education in primary school today as well as how these deficiencies can, for example, affect individuals’ actions and perceptions of reality as a ‘sexual citizen’ later on. After designing and constructing the prototype, the podcast was presented to respondents. Throughout the follow up interviews, respondents were asked if they felt the podcast would be a helpful tool in addressing the challenges of providing sex education in schools.

Dataindsamling & det digitale samtykke

‘Big Data’ is widely used to describe the collection of data which companies like Amazon, Apple, Facebook & Google do.
In this paper, we will analyse and cover the topic ‘data collection’ and how the Project Group can inform our target audience about what kind of data they allow companies to collect when they ‘accept’ their cookies, and which tools can be used to increase their privacy and the freedom to act while browsing the internet.

Podcast: Stop smitten, lyt til podcast

Den færdige podcast kan findes på soundcloud!
– Enjoy 🙂

Året der glippede: Roskilde Festival

En podcast omhandlende det år, vi snildt kan udskrive fra vor alles liv – 2020. Covid-19 har smadret vores forår, sommer og dermed Roskilde Festival.
Thea, Cecilie og Lasse tænker tilbage på en tid, hvor man tog på festivaller, spillede ølbowling, bollede i telte og dengang en piratfest var en temafest.

Podcast: Saras Lockdown

vores podcast

Podcast workshop – Stine og Caroline

Vores endelige podcast – “Dating i coronaland”.

Denne podcast fortæller en historie om dating i coronatiden.
Du får det ultimative tindermatch. Skal, skal ikke? Er det forsvarligt?